The product demo will be provided to the team to understand the possibilities and efficient utilization of the platform.
The vision 2.0 is your new eQMS platform that enables manufacturers to implement quality management systems and enhance process control.Collaborative working, effective planning, ease of execution and data analytics are the high level competitive advantages to manufacturers.
The simple and efficient QA MATE mobile app will help to capture all your quality data in one place with ease.
Where is it implemented?
The Vision 2.0 module is focused to uplift the quality team and provide real time analytic data to the management.
The global customers require advanced process controlled factories to cater the fast changing fashion needs. The process implementations and automations will improve your brand image and drive business growth
The automated reports and well followed process control increase credibility and reputation in the industry. Quality is credibility!
The fashion retailers and brands are always in search of process oriented manufacturers. The vision 2.0 will improve your overall QMS audit score and improve customer confidence.
The zero defect manufacturing is not a myth. The real time data enables manufacturers to arrest quality issues at the root level. The quality claims will reach to zero level by continuous improvement and timely corrective action plans.
Real time data enables management to take actions to prevent profit leakages. The data helps to provide predictive intelligence to the management to take action.