The product demo will be provided to the team to understand the possibilities and efficient utilization of the platform.
QA MATE lab report control ensures quick and easy documentation and control of your internal testing lab functioning.
TRF Submission Collaborative working I Centralized test report dashboard I Effective process control
Where is it implemented?
The module is highly useful for any in-house labs for performing daily tasks and managing and analyzing the results in a single dashboard.
The fashion retailers and brands are always in search of process oriented manufacturers. The lab dashboard will improve your overall QMS and compliance audit score and improve customer confidence.
The automated reports and well followed process control increase credibility and reputation in the industry.
The test reports will be centrally managed to keep it available for everyone in the system. Enable a collaborative working
Centralized data dashboard will provide predictive intelligence to avoid
The supplier/fabric mill performance will be analyzed in real time and provide feedback instantly to take action.