Why the best choose to work with us

QA MATE was evolved to provide stronger wings to the evergreen export manufacturing industry to grow with effective manufacturing control with global standards. We had really conflicting discussions internally as a founding team, one from industry another one from technology. Finally we both agree that only future focused technology can make a great difference in developing a quality focused manufacturing excellence in the industry.

Our Story

Most companies are born out of a critical need to make the world a better place for everyone. We have no difference, started my career in manufacturing and export business during 2011 and took up challenging roles in the industry. Working in an unorganized manufacturing industry like garment and home furnishing with fewer systems in place with minimal process control was a huge challenge.But, it looks like an opportunity for me as a passionate young mind inside.

Then the question was how to support these organizations where excel sheets and power points are considered as the most effective way of doing things? We have taken it as a challenge and launched the QA MATE quality platform in 2021. We are on a mission to take manufacturing organizations to the next level with effective process control, quality  and collaboration.

Now, we are spreading our wings towards building our platform much stronger to support and develop 1000 smart manufacturing facilities by 2030. 

Come, join us for a smart revolution and together we build a future ready fashion supply chain.

Our Team Experts


CEO & Founder

A decade long industry experience paved the way to QA MATE manufacturing control platform. Fetching and analyzing floor level quality data is an ultimate pain point for everyone. Our priority is to enhance quality focused manufacturing control platform to inspire organizations to move relentlessly


COO & Founder

The journey of QA Mate started with our vision to impart quality culture in every organization. The cloud service improves our efficiency and we were able to serve our clients elegantly. We have only one aim to pursue “delighted customers” and nothing else."


Advisory Board Member

Co-Founder Anterprise Network, Ex-VC Z Nation Lab, Ex-president Raymond Apparels.


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